Support and advice in conflicts

ETH professor Wilfred van Gunsteren’s term of office as an ombudsman has come to an end, and the Executive Board has selected two prominent individuals to replace him: ETH professor Gerhard Tr?ster and Hugo Bretscher, ETH’s former Secretary General.

Conflicts are inevitable in the world of work, whether in businesses or universities. This is why ETH employs ombudspersons: to offer support in crisis situations, to advise and to manage conflicts. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Ombudspersons’ Office.

Thanks to Wilfred van Gunsteren for his dedication

Wilfred van Gunsteren, who has been Professor Emeritus of Computer-Aided Chemistry at ETH since 2013, completed his four-year term as ombudsman on 31 March 2018. “As an ombudsman, Wilfred van Gunsteren was deeply committed to aiding ETH members during conflicts,” says ETH President Lino Guzzella. “Together with the Rector and my other colleagues on the Executive Board, I would like to warmly thank him for his service. Constructive and goal-driven research, teaching and administrative work are only possible when conflicts are defused and a respectful and fair collaboration achieved.”

Two prominent individuals

The Executive Board has selected Gerhard Tr?ster and Hugo Bretscher as a new ombudspersons. Their term of office will last from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2022.


Gerhard Tr?ster is a Full Professor of Electronics and has headed the discipline of Digital Systems & Wearable Computing since August 1993. He was also the Institute Director and Head of the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering for several years.


Hugo Bretscher entered ETH Zurich as a member of the President’s staff in the Office for Faculty Affairs in 1988. In 1990 he went on to head this office and became Secretary General of ETH Zurich before his retirement in 2016. He also served as Communal President of Dorf, in the canton of Zurich, for 12 years.

The ETH Zurich Ombudspersons' Office

The Ombudspersons’ Office is the central point of contact for all members of ETH Zurich in the event of conflict. It began as a pilot project in 1998, and serves an advisory function independent of the ETH administration. Maryvonne Landolt is currently serving as an ombudsperson in addition to the newly selected individuals. She will complete her term of office at the end of July 2018.

ETH Ombudspersons

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